Welcome to The ThursdayNightSupper.Club.

The ThursdayNightSupper.Club is just an idea.
The actual club is created by you.

We believe that food and connection are the building blocks of a happy and fulfilling life. The ThursdayNightSupper.Club makes it easy for people connected in a community to gather around a shared meal to create a sense of belonging that is often hard to find in our busy lives. The Club meets at a neighbour’s home to share stories, laughter, and good food — we are out to deepen existing relationships, turn acquaintances into friends, meet new people, find common ground and create a community network to sustain us through life’s ups and downs. 

The ThursdayNightSupper.Club is a way to bring communities together. 

You and a couple of other people are invited to

 ____________’s home for supper. 

When? Thursday, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM

All you need to do is say you are interested in the Facebook group and await confirmation. On the night, bring whatever you intend to drink.

_______ has posted all the details in your Facebook group!

How the Thursday Night Supper Club works

Keep it Simple!

FAQ (Friendly and Quick Answers) and Important Information

Please take a few minutes to read the questions below. It will make everything go much more smoothly for everyone.

Last-minute cancellations can be disappointing, but we want to prioritize our guests’ health and well-being. Even if you think “it is not a big deal,” or you “tested negative earlier,” or you think you will probably feel better by dinner time, please let your Host know that you will not attend as early as possible. Plus, we want everyone to have a good time without worrying about getting sick. So, let’s all do our part to keep each other healthy and happy! Thanks for your understanding.

The legal release below is important… PLEASE READ IT NOW!

Release of Liability Statement for Dinner Party in Private Residence

By agreeing to attend an Event organized through the ThursdayNightSupperClub and the Facebook Group, you acknowledge that you are voluntarily attending a dinner party hosted by the Event Organizer at their private residence or another agreed-upon venue on the agreed date. You acknowledge that there may be risks involved in attending such an event, and you agree to assume all responsibility for any potential injuries, damages, or losses that may result from your attendance.

You agree to assume all responsibility for your own safety and well-being while attending the event. You acknowledge that consuming alcohol may impair your judgment and physical abilities, and you agree to drink responsibly.

Furthermore, you release and discharge the Host, ThursdayNightSupper.Club, their agents, employees, and assigns from any and all claims, demands, suits, judgments, or other proceedings of any kind arising out of or in any way connected with your attendance at the Event. This release includes, but is not limited to, claims for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death, including any claims related to alcohol consumption, whether caused by negligence or any other act or omission of the host or their agents.

You understand that this release of liability is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State, Province, or Territory in which the Event is being held. You also agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations related to alcohol consumption and to drink responsibly while attending the event.

By agreeing to attend the Event you acknowledge that you have read this release of liability and fully understand its contents.

Sign in to your Facebook account, and go to your ThursdayNightSupper.Club Group page. (if you haven’t already joined the Group, do so first. It may take a while before someone from your Group approves your membership to the Group. Be patient.) On the Group page, find an event listing and click the button to attend, and the Host will confirm your invitation.

There are only a limited number of guests that can attend each dinner. So you may not be invited just because you clicked on the button. See the “How are guests selected?” section.

Also, maybe check out the how to be a good guest page. https://thursdaynightsupper.club/goodguest/

Picking a consistent day during the week makes planning a lot easier. Organizing events often lose momentum if there is a lot of “negotiating” to find day that fits for everyone. Besides it is in the name, so we are kind of stuck with it 🙂

The Guests arrive at 6:30 PM. Try to be reasonably prompt, and don’t arrive early; the Host has enough to worry about.
Dinner is over by 8 PM. It is a school night, people. Please ensure you are mindful of the time and prepare to leave when it is over. The Host can always suggest prolonging the visit, but that is up to them to offer.

To be a guest is free. The host only asks that you bring whatever you intend to drink. The host will prepare the meal.

The idea is to have a simple weekday style meal. And to keep the cost as low as possible. Dishes like pasta and sauce with a side salad are perfect. Try to keep the cost around $20.

No desert. It’s 2023 and we are watching our waistlines 😉

It is up to the host to choose the people who are invited.

Each Host is totally free to invite the guests they want from the people who are interested. First come, first served is not an expectation. The Host may arrange a table of people that they think might be interesting together. Or maybe, they would like to have a table of people with a particular hobby, or, they would like to offer all the seats to a mom and dad with a couple of kids. It is all up the host.

Yes. There is no expectation other than good company. Nobody really knows other people’s circumstances. The Thursday Night Supper Club is meant to create community connection. The Host is sharing because they want to, without an expectation of anything in return (this is important to remember)

The only thing that you should bring is what you intend to drink.

This is not a potluck. The Host is preparing a meal to share with you.

That said, it is up to the host to suggest/request that someone brings an item to contribute to the meal. For example, the host can request that someone bring a Caesar salad or a baguette. Again the idea is to keep it simple.

There are lots of reasons why some people or household do not drink alcohol. Please respect the preferences or customs of your Hosts. If you are a host, please indicate your preference in the Event posting. For example, “wine is OK,” or “soft drinks or juice only,” or a more direct “please no alcohol.”

We request that the host plan the meal ahead of posting the event. That way the event could say something like “I am inviting four people for spaghetti and tomato sauce with a Caesar salad. This is one of my favourite recipes and a real crowd pleaser.” Once the event is posted, you can ask questions regarding the ingredients in the Facebook Event discussion in the Group.

If you have pet allergies… ask!

It may be that this is not a meal for you… The host is not expected to make adjustments for you.

It is up to the host to set the intention of the meal. For example, “My kitchen table is pretty small. I can accommodate three adults comfortably, or two adults and two kids.”

Other hosts may have other plans, as their homes may not be kid friendly.

If the person you want to bring is in your ThursdayNightSupper.Club Facebook Group, ask them to reply to the Event separately and indicate that you would like to attend together. Please ask the Host directly if the person is not in the Facebook group.

Absolutely! Yes. yes, yes!
We all belong to multiple overlapping communities, and this Club is intended to honour and nourish all communities. (Double entendre intended). 

We are using Facebook for many reasons. To begin with, Facebook is a place where most people are already registered. It also has all the features for creating groups, events, photo sharing, and messaging. Facebook has done most of the work of making the Thursday Night Supper Club. Facebook is also an excellent way for us to spread the word between Groups and Members. The last crucial point is that Facebook provides a social accountability network. When people ask to join groups, we can see who they are, who they are connected to, and who we know in common. This builds trust and community.
That said, there is nothing to stop someone from starting a ThursdayNightSupper.Club on another platform, like Meetup.com! We would love to hear how it works out!

In theory, yes, however you will have to make arrangements with the Host directly. The Hosts, and the ThursdayNightSupper.Club are not responsible for advertising any event outside of the Facebook (or Meetup.com) group. 

“Whew, that was a lot!” 

We get it. But if you think about it, it is actually pretty straightforward. 

“Keep it light. Keep it simple. We hope you have a fun time meeting new people.”


If you have attended or hosted a ThursdayNightSupper.Club, and have ideas, that would make the Club better, more fun, easier to work with, we would love to hear your suggestions. Get in touch with us here.

Finding your Community's Club

If someone told you about a Thursday night supper club in your community, there is a good chance you can find a link to the Club on our directories page. Click the button below.

Want to Start a Club in Your Community?

If you want to organize your own ThursdayNightSupper.Club in your community, that would be amazing! We have some hints on how to get started. Click the button below.